pohvale za ideje in izvedbo, imaš pa par stvari ki me precej motijo.. Na tistih barvnih imaš bendovce porezane, kar ni najboljše.. sploh ce gre za uradne fotke benda potem. Barve si spreminjal v psju verjetno naknadno? Drugace pa supr;)
Marko, če ne bi imel tako nesposobnih ljudi za slikat, bi ble slike še boljše. Ampak ti obljubim, da se bomo v drugem polčasu fotosešna bolj potrudil:) Hvala za ideje & trud, mislim, da smo sedaj dvignili naše razmerje na precej višjo raven. Glavno grlo(BHC)
You should hire Borut as your assistant and I promise you that you will become famous...The truth is he is, as they say in Hungary about Sushi, Az egész városban itt a legjobb a szusi!
There are a lot of parallels with Sushi and photography and if you don't believe then go back to RUSSIA!
P.S. You should not make the light the main object in your pictures. The best things in photography is what we don't see. Try shooting with the lens cap on.
@jc: I'm happy enough if he writes a comment like the upper one=) And YES! I still don't know what "sushi-B5 proverb" means (yesterday searching on the internet for half of hour to translate it - without effect)... I was once in RUSSIA and would be happy if could go back again =)
P.S.: I tried - the picture is okay (It looks like there is huge number of dwarfs running in my camera with lights in their hands X)X)X)).
Vse pravice pridržane. Prepovedano kopiranje ali objavljanje fotografij brez soglasja avtorja. Za fotografije večjih velikosti kontaktirajte avtorja bloga. Hvala.
13 komentarjev:
fajn doterano, razturaš, bravo! kaj bo šele na cdju ... ;)
Marko Pirc he`s our man,if he cant do it no one can! right on !
pohvale za ideje in izvedbo, imaš pa par stvari ki me precej motijo.. Na tistih barvnih imaš bendovce porezane, kar ni najboljše.. sploh ce gre za uradne fotke benda potem. Barve si spreminjal v psju verjetno naknadno? Drugace pa supr;)
@jaka: fotke niso uradne, ker uradne "šparamo za na plošček". Barve so take kot so, razen saturacija v taki meri kot pri vsaki fotki...
Marko, če ne bi imel tako nesposobnih
ljudi za slikat, bi ble slike še boljše.
Ampak ti obljubim, da se bomo v drugem polčasu fotosešna bolj potrudil:)
Hvala za ideje & trud, mislim, da smo sedaj dvignili naše razmerje na precej višjo raven.
Glavno grlo(BHC)
micky mouse club...bububuhu
(in glavno grlo naj preneha z new age religion ročnimi znamenji)
drugace pa respect za fotografa =O)
Men so hude fotke res. Me zanima kaj bo šele na cd-ju. Bravo Maky
super ideja, enostavno rečeno hitro napreduješ z fotografijami
fotke raztrgajo gate, še dolge gate!akcija
jolly fotke! Enostavno delujejo.
You should hire Borut as your assistant and I promise you that you will become famous...The truth is he is, as they say in Hungary about Sushi, Az egész városban itt a legjobb a szusi!
There are a lot of parallels with Sushi and photography and if you don't believe then go back to RUSSIA!
P.S. You should not make the light the main object in your pictures. The best things in photography is what we don't see. Try shooting with the lens cap on.
Ha! JC was in da hauze!
@B5: Hvala
@jc: I'm happy enough if he writes a comment like the upper one=) And YES! I still don't know what "sushi-B5 proverb" means (yesterday searching on the internet for half of hour to translate it - without effect)...
I was once in RUSSIA and would be happy if could go back again =)
P.S.: I tried - the picture is okay (It looks like there is huge number of dwarfs running in my camera with lights in their hands X)X)X)).
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